Author: Katherine Garda

  • One last true breath

    Turn the life support machine off! … Take one last true breath and if needs be, die with dignity ….. we can afford to let go and switch off…. coz the eternal rule of thumb is death to life …. For all ‘groups’, structures and…

  • Thirteen

    Odd, the Odd One Out, an Odyssey. Twists and turns, a convoluted route, meandering in the right direction yet often at 90 degrees to it. Unpredictable, quirky, an unknown equation.. The oddest of years. The ‘oddness’ is not negative, it is just very, very different.…

  • Proof

     The Truth of Christ blots out ‘our truth’ that requires proof. Now we are the proof of what Our Creator has done, we are the evidence and in us resides the very answer to the whole of creation. Oneness with Love itself and all restored.  …

  • The role of the island, the outpost…

    I see Iona, an island on the western edge of Scotland ablaze with the fire of the gospel and sending it out to ignite the mainland. I see Lindesfarne, an island on the eastern coast of Northumbria drenched in the wine of the gospel and…

  • Stitches

    He spread His arms open saying, ‘Look, it really is true, a stitch in time really does save nine’ It is so comical that He should use an english proverb. Just one stitch of ‘time’ sewn into Jesus can save a whole load of bother.…

  • Carmel

    …’so that our worship makes a such demand on heaven that our very lives are changed’ said the cool musician. …reminds me of Mount Carmel and the priests slashing themselves …..meanwhile Elijah just pours more water on his alter lololol ….before all demanding, all was…

  • The South West

    The South West

    Ten days ago I arrived in Caerleon for the second time, completing the ‘treasure chest’ walks and the ‘kiss’ in the centre of middle England, the Midland. It was a toughy but it is done and the trophy is ‘in the bag’, the completion was immense which seemed…

  • Nelly

    Beautiful 40 yr old Asian elephant makes a run for it in Ireland….Indeed Nelly, it is time to pack the trunk and say Goodbye to the ‘Circus’…massive sign from east to west, Ireland, spit the bit, buck the harness and break company with such tricksters…

  • Lincoln to Caerleon May 2nd – 6th

    This next walk is coming into focus now being the last of 6 walks to complete the ‘Treasure Chest’ that demarcates middle England as an area with Lincoln, Chester, Caerleon and St Albans as it’s four corners. Having walked the perimeter of this ‘Treasure Chest’, I…

  • Love Wins

    ‘Wild Fang’… love always and will always WIN