
Joy-crammed strength was apprehended
By my author who took on my forlorn form,
And was ripped apart in my stead.
Bodily tearing open for all, a heavenly bliss
To dress this globe, wrapping it up in the glory
Of a hard-won victory that is indestructible.

If I had more to add to this selfless gift
Then it would not be sufficient….but it is.
A ‘weary and fainting’ preventative
Circumventing the toil of self-worthiness.
A medication to aid the healing process,
A happy pill to lift above the clouds.

A self-medicate button labelled ‘+’
Is pinned to my self for easy access.
‘Joy’ concentrate gained from utter pain…
For our pain relief. The One who was ‘torn’
For the joy set before Him, went as us
And tore open ‘The Way back’ with very flesh.

The opened heaven is an earthward ‘IV’,
A love refill to download and increase
So my frailness is constantly dosed up.
An addiction is recommended to replace 

All substance or controlling counterfeits

Transferring my habit to the point of origin.

It’s a medical trial…. I’m on trial, not the medication.